Tuesday, June 18, 2013

1st Battle Report - Blazing Sun vs Prussians

So, got my first game in last night! Whooo! As I had previously stated, there is a local guy, Jesse, who is running a league. We met up last night at one of my favorite stores, Guardian Games, and threw down as they say.

We did 650pts, with the majority of your models must be from the starter set, and this was a naval game. So yeah, didn't involve any of my cool land stuff. But that is okay...because the naval game is a blast too.

My fleet looked like this:
Assault Carrier - Com.
3x Cruisers
3x Frigates
3x Corvettes
5x Torp. bombers
2x 3x fighter wings
(yeah, we messed up and only gave each other 5 free TT).

His fleet was:
Air Carrier
2x Bombers
2x Cruisers
4x Frigates
5x Dive bombers
2x 3x fighter wings

Due to time constraints, we only got in two turns for the hour and a half we played. Not fantastic, but not horrible either. It was a learning game for the both of us so lots of book browsing.

I will also state here and now, my dice were hot, H-O-T hot! It was insane how often I criticaled his boats. He was not so lucky. As you can imagine, I'm not even going to try to give a turn by turn recap. Instead I'll just go with the highlights.

Here we are facing off. As you can see, my fleet was apparently going to squish the carrier between the BB and the cruisers. Actually, my plan was to use rockets as much as I could and hopefully burn off some of his AP before he closed. My AC was kind of in a dumb position, but it worked out.

Opening salvos saw me actually put down rockets on his BB and give him a nice burn token. Also, I took out two frigates with some really lucky firing. I did not link turrets with the frigates and criticaled one ship and damaged another. Then the corvettes came over and linked to finish off the wounded duck. If you look closely at his BB, you'll notice a hit token and some fire where my cruiser rockets got through.

Turn 2 was a bit more exciting on both sides. His cruisers advanced and took out a corvette which broke them. His BB advanced and damaged two of my frigates and killed another corvette. Let me say, CR 6 on a frigate rocks! With that, my two corvettes streaked across and sank a frigate. My own frigates zoomed the other way and put a critical on his cruiser. My AC advanced and turned a bit to engage the cruisers, and finished one of them off. Then his bombers came on and crit'd the AC. But then my BB took out both bombers! Then my cruisers finished off his cruiser, and then crit'd the BB! Like I said, my dice were hot! Oh, and his frigate finished off my corvettes. We also exchanged fighters a bit too. The final shot of the round was my torpedo bombers putting one last hit on the BB.

We had to call it there due to time. However, his field was looking thin. His BB was not going to last much longer, he was down to 3 fighters as well. But his Air Carrier was still potent and he still had a full wave of 5 dive bombers.

My loses consisted of three corvettes and three fighters. Two frigates were damaged and the assault carrier had a single crit against it. Lessons learned was that we need to look up the AA rules more and find some good examples of them on the net. They were a bit confusing to us, especially the timing.

Most of all though, it was fun and I can't wait to play again.