Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I'm back!

Hey Sports Fans,

Well I am back from vacation. I took a cruise down to Bermuda with the family and had a great time. Unfortunately, I was pretty much cut off from the interwebs (cost too much to keep my phone connected). So wanted to get a post up now that I'm back home. Thank you to everyone still checking out the blog. You guys are troopers.

My lastest Dystopian news is that I came within inches of buying a ton of stuff. Miniatures Market is having this huge sale on DW and Legions stuff. However, I was on the boat and thus cut off from making purchases. Once I got back home, the things I really wanted were already out of stock. Still, I had over a $150 in my cart but then decided against it. I already have lots of models still in boxes, and it just seemed silly to spend more, even on such an amazing sale.

But damn, had the stuff I had wanted been in stock, I'd have easily dropped $200 on that sale. I just love Spartan's line. Hopefully I'll be able to get back to it soon.

Once again, thanks guys for checking out the blog even with lame updates such as this. I promise better stuff will be coming soon.


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