Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Post Memorial Day Update

First off, a shout out to all of our veterans and their families. God bless you and thank you for the sacrifices you have made for us.

Okay, now to the updating. Since it was a long weekend here in the states, my family took our annual trip to the Menucha retreat. There we volunteer our weekend to doing various chores around the facility to help get it ready for its busy summer season. I ended up splitting wood all weekend long. Suffice to say, I didn't get to spend much time painting.

However...I did finish up a couple of vehicles and took pictures last night.

Dead center is my previous finished model. To the left is the finished bombard vehicle. Below that is a small tank stand. To the center right is a finished frigate. Above that, is a base coated frigate awaiting detail.

I decided to use the Vallejo black glaze on all three updated models. As you can see, the bombard is brighter than the chi-ri. There are a few pluses and minuses. I like how the bombard's bone is more striking. The red is bright, but not horribly so. However, I like the treads on the tank better. I might actually need to do a combo of ink and glaze to get the final product I want.

Here we have the finished frigate next to the primed one. The glaze darkened up the red tip nicely, but didn't take the bone too far away from the original. The white stack still looks white and the bronze got picked out nicely. I forgot how much I love my black glaze. Although in a few places it did "dirty" the bone paint. Maybe I just did it too thick? I should have also mounted the frigate to something so I could hold it up. I glazed it while it was on my workbench. Not the best idea.

The glaze didn't do to bad on the tiny tanks either. Now I just need to finish basing the bombard and TT and they will be all set to go. I'm going to use a thinner basing material for the TT. Fewer rocks and tufts.

So not a whole lot of progress made, but one model finished and two others darn close. Oh, and in other news, I picked up a French fleet. No idea yet on what I want to do with it. But it is at the tail end of the list for now. I have the Empire to finish up first, then the Prussians, and then I can think about the French. Of course, if I am able to afford the Italians any time soon, those will jump up in the line.

As always, feel free to post comments on the paint job or the blog content.


  1. Do you find the Vallejo glazes pool at all, or do they get drawn into the detail?


    1. If you do it right, it draws into the detail fairly well. It can pool if you go too heavy. I typically use it on FoW models and don't need that much. I think I went too heavy this time and will try out a lighter coat.

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    It can pool if you go too heavy. I typically use it on FoW models and don't need that much.
